VERATEC’s primary missions are; to be the leader in respect of the technological innovations, to be a World-wide Corporation, and while achieving these to provide the expected quality and customer satisfaction by listening to the customers’ voices with its production, sales and after-sales services.

VERATEC is aware of that the customers’ voices are opening the doors of technologic developments and innovation culture. Therefore, VERATEC did not limit its responsibility only with profile sales, and has established the AFTER-SALES SUPPORT TEAM which shall address all stages from window formation to end-user satisfaction personally.

This team participates in the following matters actively:

  • In respect of Distributor vendor’s / Distributor’s feedbacks
  • In respect of Mounting Vendor’s feedbacks
  • In respect of end-users’ feedbacks
  • In respect of Vendor Training and Awareness Raising Technic Visits
  • In respect of audits for vendor knowledge and equipment competence.

These activities are monitored by monthly performance and quality KPIs in Quality System Unit, and in this way continuous improvement and process excellence is aimed.